“The Purpose Wave: Unilever’s Success Story,” a PRIME Show & Tell webcast powered by IDC Insights
The Race to the Future Utility — Run Like There's No Tomorrow - Highlights from the 2020 IDC European Utilities Executive Summit
This IDC Perspective summarizes topics discussed at the eighth edition of the IDC European Utilities Executive Summit (IDCUES), virtually hosted by IDC Energy Insights on October 19 and 20, 2020. The main theme of the summit was "The Race to the Future Utility - Run like There's no Tomorrow," alluding to the need for speed in utilities' transformation journeys.
Meter-Centric to Customer-Centric: Madrileña Red de Gas' Cloud Transformation
IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Utilities 2021 Predictions
IDC Energy Insights analysts have developed their top 10 predictions that make up, in their view, the framework for IT and line-of-business (LOB) decision makers and influencers' technology-related initiatives in the year ahead.
Energy Consumer Discovery Series: Interactions and Communication Channels (Part 2)
This IDC Survey examines results from the IDC Energy Insights Utilities Consumer Survey regarding consumers' reasons for contacting their energy suppliers and various communication channels.